18 January 2011

The first weigh in (imagine ominous music here...)

So, the day had finally come...after a slight miss-hap due to a change in class times on the bank holiday at the start of January and then a dose of the flu (sniff sniff) I was ready to join up and get weighed!  I choose Slimming World because a) I have done it in the past and it worked really well and b) I am not a fan of starving, and as they say at SW, this is not a diet!

And so, I tootled along to the Slimming World group after work (stopping on the way for my 'last' tea at Burger King!) full of apprehension and newbie nerves.  But actually, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be - the consultant is super friendly and very approachable and the new 'extra easy' system sounds great (I did SW a few years ago and was always annoyed at not being able to mix carbs and protein very much)! 

BUT...in my excitement and relief I'd forgotten the most important thing.  Actually getting weighed.  I stepped on the scales and I swear I think my heart stopped for a few beats.  Believe me it was bad.  Let me just clarify, I'm not actually going to disclose my weight on here (too embarrassed!) only how much I lose/put on or whether I maintain each week.

So, here I am nearly at the end of day 1 and so far it's going very well (as all 'healthy eating' plans do on the first day!).  I am feeling very smug and pleased with myself and am actually looking forward to going food shopping this evening so that I can stock up on 'free' foods :)

Here endeth the first post.  Feel free to leave comments/tips/suggestions/constructive criticism!

Llinos x


  1. Hi Llinos

    Sounds like you are raring to go! I started slimming world at the end of last year - although starting again after all the festive shenanigans.

    Looking forward to reading more. Feel free to pop on over to lovecatlovecat.blogspot where I chat about my slimming mayhem, amongst other things. x

  2. Hi Love Cat,

    Thanks for the encouragement - I'll definitely check out your posts! x
